After the March reveal of God of War 3, we've had virtually no info on the game- until now.
Some of these screenshots are from the trailers, but most of them are new, and some are even in-game. Nothing much, but maybe it'll hold us till E3.
Teeth bared, veins bulging, Kratos plunges both hands elbow-deep into the gargantuan eye socket of the Cyclops.
Propping a foot against each hulking shoulder of the giant, the bloodthirsty Spartan and raging son of Zeus yanks the beach ball-sized organ as if it was a cork coming out of the world's largest wine bottle.
Blood vomits from the orifice as the glistening optic nerve stretches and stretches and stretches like an overtaxed rubber band. It snaps, the two halves of the ruined eyestalk flutter to the ground, and the giant orb comes free in Kratos's hands.
The kicker: this is an in-game, playable sequence from God of War III, Sony's outrageous new action epic for the PlayStation 3. Though it's months away from completion, God of War III is already something special. So are you really going to think twice before playing God of War 3?
I am having tons of God of War screen shoots which i have downloaded from web. Even i have also downloaded God of War theme. I am seriously crazy for God of war series. I have heard that its new series will be announced as soon.
r4i sdhc 3ds
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