Media gets pissed off with Obama

Sunday, January 25, 2009 ·

Has the backlash already begun? Reporters' growing frustrations with President Obama's press team reached a high on Thursday because the White House 'stifled' press access to his oath re-do.

TV reporters and photo agencies were not allowed into the oath 're-do'. Photo wire services AP, Reuters and AFP were so mad that they refused to distribute the White House's PR snapped pix of the 're-do'.

In a statement, the AP said it believes “access for news photographers has been a time-honored tradition at the White House through many administrations and needs to be continued. We are working diligently with the White House staff to ensure this access.”

Former Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Myers equated the oath re-do stumble as a rookie mistake.

But, experts say what remains to be seen is are these really 'rookie mistakes' or is Obama's press team asserting a new protocol, not bound to past traditions that White House reporters have grown accustomed to?

The press corps' privileges aren’t apparently written in stone and it’s the administration’s prerogative to change as they see fits. We assume this is change the press won't believe in.



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