Pak STILL denies despite solid evidence

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 ·

Person A slaps person B, person B tells Police that person A slapped him, Police asks person A, person A denies. Person B gives a note in writing that person A slapped him. Police shows signed note to person A, who still denies. Police takes DNA/fingerprint evidence of slapmarks which match with person A. He still denies it. Pakistan is mroe or less acting like the five year old living in denial.

However, he may find few takers for his defiant denial outside Pakistan. While Pakistan may claim that India planted GPS devices and made up stories about Pakistani involvement in 26/11, there is no way India could have forged the conversations between the terrorists and their handlers in Pakistan. That remains India’s most crucial record of the complicity of Pakistani “elements”.

The conversations are chilling and show that the attackers were intent on causing maximum damage, did not want to take any hostages and were brutal in the extreme. Here’s a sample of a chat between the Pakistani handlers and the terrorists at Taj Hotel:

Caller (from Pakistan): “There are three ministers and a secretary of cabinet in your hotel, we don’t know which room. Keep looking.”
Receiver (terrorist in Mumbai): “That’s icing on the cake.”
Caller: “Find these three or four persons then get whatever you want from India.”

Later, the caller is also heard telling the terrorist that the “wazir” (minister) should not get away. The minister, if there was one in the hotel, did. At one point, the caller rang again. “Throw one or two grenades on the Navy and police teams. They are outside.”

The Pakistani handlers obviously couldn’t get enough of the action in Mumbai and were glued to TV, whose blow-by-blow coverage actually helped the terrorists. ‘Under fire, don’t saddle yourself with hostages, kill them’

It appeared many things were on the planners’ minds. Certainly the India-Israel relationship was high on their calculations. At one stage, the handlers said, “Keep in mind the hostages are of use only if you don’t come under fire. If you are under attack don’t saddle yourself with the hostages. Immediately kill them.”

The handler also reminded the terrorists that “the Army claims to have done their work without any hostage being harmed”. Another thing: “Israel has made a request to save the hostages. If the hostages are killed it will spoil relations between India and Israel.”



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