Pregnant man Thomas Beatie on Oprah April 3rd

Thursday, April 3, 2008 ·

Thomas Beattie
The “pregnant man” will be appearing on Thursday’s Oprah Winfrey show to share his thoughts and feelings on being pregnant. Thomas Beatie, born Tracy Langondino, received media attention after writing an article for ‘The Advocate,’ a magazine for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered readers.

In the article, Beatie says that he was born a woman. He went through breast reconstruction surgery but kept his female organs.

On Oprah, Beatie explains that his wife was unable to get pregnant because she had a hysterectomy. “I see

pregency as a process and it doesn’t define who I am,” he says. “Ironically, being pregnant doesn’t make me feel any more female or feminine.”

The couple’s daughter is due on July 3, 2008.



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