Rupee falls to 50.46 per $, US sends $5 Billion to Pak

Friday, February 27, 2009 ·

Just when it climbed out of the deep pit, the Indian market on Thursday fell into a bottomless crevasse as the rupee had settled at 50.46 per dollar, against Wednesday's close of Rs 49.94.

It is a record of sorts as it is the all-time lowest closing rate for the rupee against the dollar, even beating the 50.2 number on December 2nd 2007.

Meanwhile US has promised gifting billions of Dollars to terror haven Pak as economic and military aid. That after reports certify that Pakistan has been using American tax-payer money for deals with the terror outfit Taliban and that US arms have been ending up in the hands of the extremists.

This little brainwave is courtesy of Senator John Kerry who is considering a $5 billion aid to Pakistan. Also being contemplated is a $1.5 billion annual package for ten years.

"If we fail, we face a truly frightening prospect: terrorist sanctuary, economic meltdown, and spiraling radicalism, all in a nation with 170 million inhabitants and a full arsenal of nuclear weapons," he said. "The stakes could not be higher, and [this] report could not be more timely."

Needless to say, not many people agree with this decision.

"Not only is the United States paying the Pakistani government to abdicate territory to the Taliban, we get to fund the Taliban as well," said Bill Roggio, an expert in the war on terror, questioning the Kerry-Lugar proposal aimed to tripling military aid to Pakistan.

"It's time for the US. government to ask if it is getting a good return on its investment. Considering that more than $3.8 billion of $5 billion of US. aid to Pakistan has gone unaccounted for and the Taliban is being funded by the US, perhaps the answer is no," Roggio, who runs the blog Long War Journal, added.



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